Monday 20 August 2012


Facebook culture may be fatal
Generation Y and facebook. Started as college students facebook were filled with a lot of private lifestyle stuffs, but facebook doesnt follow the growth of human being! Gen Y graduates eventually got a job and turned to privacy of facebook account but after years of being tagged it is really hard to hide their past from curious colleagues.

Initially, facebook were a free gift, users are free to vusualize express a
nd expand but latter turned into profit. Ads and commercialized facebook trying to take back these gifts by invading privacy and rediculous terms.
  1. It is taking back a free gift. In order to build profits, Facebook has been commercializing and monetizing friendship networks. What Facebook gave to Millennials, it is now trying to take away. Millennials are resisting the invasion to their privacy.
  2. Facebook is ignoring the aging of the Millennials and the subsequent change in their culture. Older Gen Yers want less sociability and more privacy as actors outside their trusted cohort enter the Facebook space in search of information and connection. These older Millennials want more privacy tools for control of their information and networks.
Facebook is behaving as though it owned not only its proprietary technology platform but the friendship networks created on it. It doesn't. Millennials believe that ownership of their networks of friends belongs to them, not Facebook, and resist their commercialization.

Giving economic value to social networks is the new holy grail in advertising and the media. An army of economists and mathematicians are at work on this task. To date, most of the work has focused on metrics — how many friends, how many linkages, how much influence. Facebook's problems with privacy highlight the need to understand culture as well.

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